Last evening on the 25th I went back to Bluffview Estates to continue canvassing this subdivision. I picked up 31 food items, O prayer requests, had 8 one-one witnessing sessions, and distributed 10 gospel Tracts.
I ran into 1 for sure Born-Again Christian on the route this evening. I was encouraged by the brief conversation I had with her and gave her tract and encouraged her to give it away as the Lord directed her.
One of the next houses I went to a man started the survey questions and followed up with the start of "the Good Person test". I got through 1 commandment and then his demeanor changed. I sensed that he realized where I was going with the questions and he became very defensive and said that he wasn't goint to argue with anyone over the 10 Commnadments and turned around, slamming the door behind him. I thanked him for his time and then left. Sadly he had just admitted to being a liar, so I'm sure that he wasn't comfortable looking into the "mirror" of the law.
I was able to give a full gospel presentation to a 17 yeare old man at another home. He was very polite and receptive and assured me he would certainly consider what I had told him. He like many I encounter was trusting in his good works to get him to heaven.
Persecuted for righteousness sake...
My Matthew 5:11 encounter happened with a middle-aged woman named Evelyn. She was in her yard when I approached her. I was able to secure a food donation from her and then asked her if I could conduct the survey questionnaire. She seemed hesitant but then consented. After asking the first few survey questions, I started the "Good Test" questions. After asking her the 9th commandment question, she abruptly ended the questions and voiced her disagreement with the direction the questions were heading. I respectfully left her premise and gave her a tract as I left.
I went across the street to her neighbor Deanna's home. After getting a food donation and completing the survey questions I was able to conclude that Deanna was a believer in Jesus Christ and had accepted him as her savior. Suddenly we were interrupted by Evelyn whom had come over unexpectedly and interrupted Deanna and I. She was very irrate that I was talking to her neighbor and insinuated that I had no right being there. I was accused by Evelyn of manipulating she and her neighbor by "using a food drive to lure people into talking about my religious beliefs". I tried to reason with her and she started cursing at me, calling me a liar and demanding that I leave Deanna's property. I asked her to observe my motives for being out there in her neigborhood. I assured her that I was only concerned abou her eternal destiny.She said that was "none of my d--n business". I said your right that is between you and God.She then said that I was "full of s--t" and I'd better leave before she called the police and have them make me leave. I said I welcomed her call to the police. She mockingly said "you'd probably try to spew your religious craziness to them also, wouldn't you?" I replied that I most certainly would not be ashamed to since they need Jesus just as much as anyone else. She threatened to call Nancy Bendall of the Bread for Life food pantry and complain about what I was doing.
Her neighbor Deanna was in shock and was silent during the whole incident. I quickly diffused the situation by apologizing to Evelyn (to no avail, she was very bitter) and especially to Deanna for having this take place on her property. They both went into Deanna's home as I was leaving for the next home. I no sooner got 2 doors away and Evelyn coomes barging out of Deanna's home telling me I needed to get the Hell out of her neighborhood.
I ended the evening speaking with a woman for about 1hour and was able to answer many questions that she had.I sensed that she may of had a false conversion based on a few of the answers to my questions. I strongly encourage d her to be bolder in her walk with the Lord by sharing he faith and reading her bible everyday. I saw how the Lord was using me to clarify the biblical gospel to her and I could see that the Holy Spirit was really revealing some things to her.
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